Well …. yet again, another great weekend flying IMAC at Galatea.
Great weather. Good company. 12 Pilots.
Accommodation at the local lodge ten times better than sleeping in your trailer !!
Galatea continues to be a superb venue for flying IMAC. Very little interuption from Full Size aviation all weekend. A gyro copter did a tiuch and go. Two turkeys from Hamilton showed up on Sunday morning in a light plane, judged some Sportsman (when they should have been flying it !!), ate some burgers, and then they flew home again.
Baldrick you missed a great feed on Saturday night. The owners at the lodge were happy to see us again, but all they wanted to know was where was Baldrick and Ewan ?
Thanks especially to Tony C who made the trip to G-Town on Friday from Tauranga, and mowed the strip for us. Next time Tony, you are not allowed to go home unless you fly, ok ?
This was our last Galatea IMAC until October now. We flew till quite late on Sunday, Monday was a public Holiday. Everyone went home with models in tact, and plenty of fuel burnt.
Managed to find a few photos that had been posted on the Facebook RC Aerobatics page. And some comments too:
What a great event this was, really good. Really had some fun here. It’s a great place to fly, big thanks to the land owner for that, great place to stay, Kohutapu lodge was a real nice experience with the gourmet Hangi (really nice), comfortable cabins and of course the Taniwha bar where a few beers and wines were consumed while talking (b.s.) and having fun. Huge thanks again to Frazer for making this happen and all the other guys who put the effort in. Can’t wait till next time… Aaron Maitland